Phoenix Habitats and Oregon Wild form a collaboration in which local habitat restoration benefits larger state-wide conservation.

Our mission at Phoenix Habitats is to revolutionize landscaping by using sustainable methods that improve our lives and the environment. In order to achieve this mission and restore nature throughout Portland and the Willamette Valley, we need strong community connections and collaborations. Invasive species, climate change, and other environmental challenges cannot be mitigated by any one person or company. We must work together to safeguard our land, waterways, and food systems, not to mention local wildlife, and our own ability to recreate in and enjoy nature.
At Phoenix Habitats, we want to partner with other private contractors, nonprofits, government entities, community organizations, individual private property owners and business owners to empower ourselves through a common goal of sustainability and measurable change.
As we set out on a journey to foster partnerships across our community, one of the first steps we took was reaching out to Oregon Wild, an organization that has been around since the 1970s and has been instrumental in preserving Oregon’s old-growth forests and the critical habitat therein. They are also active in securing protections for endangered species, as well as protections for the lands and waterways vital to Oregon’s overall economy.
In 2020, we were thrilled to be able to make a significant contribution to Oregon Wild’s annual auction that raises important funds for their continued operations and provides equal employment and educational awareness opportunities.
We donated two design packages to the auction which generated over $3000, with 100% of proceeds going directly to Oregon Wild. Phoenix Habitats is proud to have been the second highest contributing organization to the annual Oregon Wild auction in 2020. Both of our donated packages are full redesigns of residential properties in Portland, centered around all native planting, and are currently underway. We can hardly wait to put the finishing touches on the new dynamic design elements for these properties.
When it comes to our core mission and values, we are excited to be expanding our community work via our connection to Oregon Wild, and we look forward to many more opportunities to foster connections through habitat restoration in the future.