We are passionate about not only improving habitat, but doing so in the most sustainable and cost-effective way possible. Gasoline power tools often emit more carbon and ozone than newly installed plantings can mitigate, which leads to a net source of pollution. That's why we have only used 100% electric power tools for our projects.
We presented on this issue at the 2023 Urban Ecological Research Consortium in Portland, Oregon. By switching to electric tools, habitat restoration projects can become more sustainable and better achieve goals of environmental improvement over time. The poster below contains key points when considering electric tools.

Poster presented at UERC 2023: "Electric Power Tool Assessment, Improving Sustainability on Habitat Restoration Projects.

Ian Hunter showing the poster to conference attendants.
Did you know that 2-stroke engines can create up to 300 more air pollution than pick-up trucks, per gallon of gas? Electric tools have zero emissions during operation, while also being more quiet, light, and inexpensive to operate over time.

Thank you to everyone we met here, and we hope to do it again soon!